Wednesday 23 March 2011


The planning application has now been validated and is able to viewed through the following link:

Tuesday 22 March 2011


There have been a number of consultation events where the design proposals have been on display and stakeholders have been invited to learn about the design and comment :

  January 12  - Parents and Governors
  February 15 - Neighbours

I attach the notes from the meeting with neighbours

A presentation board will soon be displayed in the local Sainsbury's store

Thursday 10 March 2011


Details of the final design and planning application submission will be posted soon


In a previous blog I said I'd introduce the team. I had intended to take a picture of us all and this I will do but until then here is a list of the companies and individuals working on the project.

In the Last Month...

February was a busy month. The School, GCC, the designer, project manager and the contractor's team have been finalising the design, both in the building and the play areas.

Some of the many issues looked at were:

• ceiling heights, service zones, roof, wall and floor constructions
• fire strategy
• natural ventilation for classrooms and halls, design of windows and doors
• location of MUGA and hard and soft play areas

This detail ensures the planning drawings accurately reflect the technical requirements for the building. We have also been checking the costs of what we are proposing to ensure we stay within our budgets.

On 10 February we all went to see the progress of the new Oakwood School (being built by Kier Moss) and look at some of the details there. You can view their blog -

On 15 February a Public Consultation was held at the school. Neighbours and the community were invited in to look at the plans. The feedback was very positive and some useful comments were made.