Wednesday 29 August 2012


Dear Blog Viewers,

How patiently you have been waiting for my next post and here it is and it will be the last as the extension and refurbishment of Swindon Village Primary School is complete (bar one or two small details!). Kier are finishing off the last touches and the school will open next week free from contractors and all of it open to the pupils.

The final phase was the external works and they do look good. The multi use games area is fenced and lined,

the grassed areas are looking extremely verdant, in fact there has been so much rain that we have been unable to cut it. The fire alarm sprinkler tank is installed and behind a fence!

The refurbishment of areas of the existing school looks good - from the toilets to the resource area...

And of course the new entrance with the welcome sign says it all.

Well done everyone involved - the school, GCC, Kier, the consultants team, but especially the staff and pupils who have had to put up with a lot over the past year. We think it was worth it. We hope you do too.