Wednesday 21 December 2011


Dear Blog Viewers,

Some interested parties are having difficulty viewing the pictures on the blog. Can any of you out there who are following this blog let me know whether you are viewing the blog in full! Indeed it would be great to know if you are finding the blog of interest and if there is anything else you would like me to report on. I have pusposefully made the pictures small this month to ensure size is not the problem

This report takes us to the middle of December when you can see that the hall, classroom and corridor block is well advanced, plastering, screeding, and mechanical and electrical services being installed.

Work has also started to the new front entrance,  reception area and offices

Kier are on programme and I know everyone is pleased with progress but can't wait for it all to be finished!!

Well I wish all you bloggers a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ALL THE BEST FOR 2012

1 comment:

  1. Hello, the pictures are very small - could some larger ones be posted?
